Launch of InkIT Publishing blog and website

With great pleasure, we are launching the InkIT Publishing blog and website.  This blog replaces Steve Shouts Out and From Blake’s Bookshelf.  The blog focuses on:

  • Writing
  • Publishing
  • Technology platforms and apps for writing and publishing

Soft launch

The InkIT Publishing website is live and launched as a regular blog for writers and the writing community.  The focus is to provide you a ‘street team’ to help in all aspects of the writing and publishing process.  The main feature that exists today is the writers blog on the main page.

The rest of the website is also live, but currently under construction and will be built in front of your eyes over the next several months!  Therefore, you foresee the structure and a list of interesting topics which are being worked on, but not there yet.  Many topics require testing, validation, or further research.  Others are being curated from many different sources, including you!  Please feel free to alert us or to submit items which would be of interest to all.

New website launch!

Check out the About page to get the feel of what InkIT Publishing is about and the meaning behind the brand.  Then check out the Resources, Reviews, and Services pages see what is coming.

You can also follow us on:

We have proven that anyone with a desire and ability to write and an understanding of the technology can go it alone.  25% of the Top 100 successful authors in the Amazon Kindle store are independent authors.  They did it alone or with help from a company like InkIT Publishing, and so can you!


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